립 모션 개발자로 선발되었네요!! - Leap Motion Developer

히즈웨드 |

    오늘 이메일을 몰아서 확인하다가 립모션의 개발자로 선발되었다는 사실!!!을 뒤늦게 알게되었습니다. 한 일주일전에 왔던 메일인데 확인을 이제야했군요ㅜ 아 이 게으름ㅠ 무튼 few weeks 안에 도착한답니다ㅋㅋㅋ

    이메일 내용은 아래와 같습니다.

    Hi Pyunghwa Kim (김평화),

    Thank you for your interest in Leap Motion and for your continued enthusiasm over the past few months. In order to develop software for the upcoming app store, we knew the most important step was for you to get your hands on a dev kit. We’re happy to inform you that your application has been selected and you will be joining over a thousand developers in this first major release of Leap Motion Developer units.

    Address Verification and SDK Access

    Before we can ship your developer unit to you, we will need you to verify your shipping address and accept the invitation to our new developer site. To do so, simply:

    1. Click your unique link to visit the Developer site:
    2. Complete your account registration and confirm your password.
    3. Verify your shipping address.
    4. Accept the terms of the Leap Motion SDK Agreement.
    5. Download the SDK.

    Downloading the SDK

    The SDK download includes the installer, Leap software, and initial documentation to help you get started. Our goal is to provide you with the necessary tools and resources to help you in all your development efforts. In turn, you can help us provide better support by being an active member in the community. We encourage you to ask questions in the discussion areas and provide feedback about the features and resources you would most like to see.

    The SDK will remain available on the Leap Motion developer website: https://developer.leapmotion.com. This site will serve as your overall destination to for SDK updates, supporting documentation, expanded resources, and access to private discussions with other Leap Motion developers.

    So, What’s Next?

    Once you have verified your shipping address your unit will be packaged and placed in the next available shipment. We are sending out a large number of units to selected developers so please allow a few weeks for your unit to arrive.

    The Shipment will contain:

    1. The Leap Motion controller
    2. USB cable
    3. Setup instructions

    We sincerely thank you for participating in the Leap Motion developer community. We believe you will be a key part of Leap Motion’s future success. While you are waiting for your unit to arrive, we encourage you to login to the portal, read the online documentation, and join the discussion.

    Welcome to Leap Motion.

    Happy developing,

    The Leap Motion Team

    방금 주소지 등 배포관련 정보를 재입력 후 확인하고 규약에도 동의해주고 SDK 까지 받아놓은 상태입니다. 립모션 개발자 (Leap Developer) 사이트도 새단장을 했더군요. 저의 스크린네임은 Heiswed입니다. 립개발자 커뮤니티에서 보시면 인사좀 부탁드립니다 :)

    앱 개발(SDK)은 C++, C#, Java, Python 등을 모두 지원(라이브러리)하고, 앞으로 Javascript도 지원할 예정이라고 합니다. 다운받은 SDK의 압축을 풀면 Leap_Installer와 문서, 라이브러리, 언어별 샘플이 들어있구요. Leap_Installer를 설치하면 아래와 같이 두개의 실행 파일이 생깁니다. 아직 기계가 없어서 실행되진 않지만,, 조만간 해볼 수 있겠지요ㅎㅎ

    인도 여행을 앞두고 있는데, 그 전에 받아 볼 수 있었으면 좋겠군요 :)

    어제(2013/1/7)부로 메일이 또 왔습니다. 이제곧 보내려고 준비하고 있군요!


    We are excited to inform you that the next wave of developer kits will resume shipping this week. We have been hard at work testing and calibrating the next batch to make them ready for you. When your unit is about to ship you will receive an email with your tracking number.


    Our goal is to continue getting all of the units out as quickly as possible. Thank you for your enthusiasm and patience.


    We are already seeing some great ideas emerge. Many developers are sharing videos and tweeting about the apps they're working on in preparation for the launch of our App store. We hope you will also share your app projects with us and the community.

    Now that you have signed up for the Portal you can get access to the SDK, forums and Question pages at developer.leapmotion.com. We'll keep you updated through the Portal News feed, so make sure to check-in regularly.   


    The Leap Motion Team
